Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Striving to Thrive...

(the beautiful sunrise I saw Sunday morning ^)

Hey! I was wondering today what I would write about... so I'm just going to let God take the lead.

Have you ever wanted to change the world?

I know I have. I still do. But I don't want to in the way most people may expect. I want to change the world one person at a time.

Jesus taught a lot of people... but He invested His life especially into twelve men. He discipled them, taught them, lived life with them.

Think about the people God has surrounded you with... maybe friends from church, or from some sports you do, or maybe from school. What does your life reflect to them? Go beyond that... think about the people you pass on the street, or in the store, or your waiter or waitress in a restaurant... what do your actions and words reflect to them?

To be honest I just want to live my life for Jesus. Completely and whole heartedly. It's hard. I fail all the time. I'm not even sure how to do that. But I rely on God.

What does your life reflect? Do you want to change the world? Do you want to live for Christ and Him alone?

Well then if you want to change the world, for Jesus, if you want to live for Christ, let's start now. It's not going to be easy but is following Jesus easy? No.

Let's strive not to just live, but to thrive. Thrive for Him.

Let's invest our lives into those around us, let's smile at a stranger because maybe they're having a bad day, let's let our words and actions reflect Him.

I'm still not sure how to do all of this. But I'm going to try day by day to do so while trusting in God to take the lead.

What about you?