Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas Time

It's Christmas time once more, the lights and decorations are everywhere, Christmas songs play on the radio, if you're lucky then there's snow, and there are presents. Yet behind every holiday there's a reason. Why would we have Christmas just for all the decorations and presents? It's something more.

I love Christmas. I love Christmas music, I like most of the decorations, and the giving, and I like the food of course. But the reason behind Christmas makes me love it even more.

Christmas is Jesus' birthday. Most people know this. Yet often when we think about it we forget what He came to do. He came to save the world.

God first promised to send a Savior after sin entered the world.

Genesis 3:15, "I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel."

God meant He would send His Son, and Satan would strike His heel (when Jesus dies on the cross) but that Jesus would strike his head (Jesus rose from the dead, therefore conquering death).

Jesus was born in a stable, born to save the world, born to one day die on a cross and take all of our sins onto Himself, born to redeem.

Isaiah 53:5, "But He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds."

He came to this earth to save us. We're healed by His wounds... this verse doesn't mean physically, but spiritually.

The past few weeks in a sermon series at my church there was a theme: He who was whole became broken, so that we who are broken can become whole.

So this Christmas season, remember Whose birthday it really is. Remember why Jesus came, remember what He did, remember that we can have redemption and hope.


How can you live for Christ this Christmas season? What do you do to remember Jesus during the busy time? Do you love Christmas? What are your reasons? Any favorite Bible verses referring to Jesus' birth or Him coming? Any other thoughts on the subject?


  1. "He who was whole became broken, so that we who are broken can become whole." That is beautiful, thanks for sharing. <33

    1. It is... though I can’t take credit for it :). Such a powerful message. No, thank you =)
