Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Seek the Lord (Poem)

I want to seek You in the quiet,
and seek You in the noise.
I want to seek You in the joys,
and when life's getting me down.
I want to seek You through it all,
when I fly or when I fall.

I want to seek You in the chaos of this life,
and seek You in the calm moments.
I want to seek You when I feel broken,
and when You make me feel whole.
You are in control, that's a definite fact I know.

I want to seek You Lord,
through prayer and through Your Word.
I want to seek You when life is tough,
and when it's going good.
You are always enough.

Help me to seek You with all my heart.
Help me to give You all my broken parts.
Help me to love You with all of me,
for You're the One who set me free.
Help me to find You somehow.
I'm going to seek You right now.


It's easy to get caught up in life and to make excuses of why we don't fully seek God... I'm not pointing fingers or judging, if I were, the first finger would point at me.
The thing is, sometimes we go through times of waiting, or struggles, or growth - but through all of those times we should still seek God. It's hard to seek Him when it seems like He's not listening, or in the noise and chaos of life... but when we truly seek Him we'll find Him.
Some ways to do this to to spend time in His Word and prayer. It's hard to find time to  really get into God's Word, if you try you'll find time. You may have to cut back how much you read your book or how much TV you watch, etc.... but in the light of eternity isn't it worth it?

There are going to be times where you seek the Lord and you can see Him clearly, but there will be times when you have to search really hard to see Him. Sometimes it's not in a big way. Maybe He won't open the skies to talk to you but maybe He's gently showing you the way through a Bible verse that you've been thinking about recently, or encouraging you through a fellow believer in Christ. Often we don't see Him when He's right in front of us.
Remember, He's with you always.

Let's seek Him with all of us, and strive to love Him with all of us.

Deuteronomy 6:5, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."

1 Chronicles 16:11, "Search for the Lord and for His strength; seek His face always."

Psalm 27:8, "My heart says this about You, "You are to seek My face." Lord, I will seek Your face."

Colossians 3:1, "So if you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above, where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God."


  1. The only way I can put this is: AMEN! :) The poem at the beginning reminds me of a song called "The More I Seek You" by Gateway Worship. Thanks for the encouragement, Sarah! :)

    1. I’d never heard of that song before but I just looked it up and listened to it and it’s beautiful! Thanks for sharing it :).
      Thanks for your encouraging comment, Mallory! :)

  2. Lovely, lovely, lovely! Amazing poem, Sarah. <3 That picture is beautiful too! Is it yours?

    1. Thank you, Faith! You’re so sweet! Thanks, yes, I took the picture :).
      Thanks for your sweet comment!

  3. Mmmm, yes.
    Choosing to seek Him first, in all things.
    Such wise words- thanks for sharing!

    elissa // letters-to-jayna.blogspot.com

    1. Yes, choosing to seek Him first in ALL things. Sometimes we prefer to do it when life’s not as busy, but is there ever really a perfect time? I just thought of a song by Lauren Daigle, First, and one of the lyrics is, “I wanna week You first”... it’s a beautiful song and that should be a prayer for all of us... to seek Him first.
      Thanks for commenting, Elissa! :)

  4. Beautiful poem, Sarah! What an important reminder. xx

    1. Thank you, Emily! I need to be reminded of this daily.. to just seek Jesus through it all. :)

  5. Great poem! I like the verses you put with this post!

    1. Thanks! I was thinking about Bible verses to include and when I was looking these came up.... and they fit great. Thanks for commenting, Brooklyne! :)

  6. Amen! We can't go wrong with seeking Him more. Thanks for sharing, Sarah. Keep writing your beautiful words for Him! xx

    1. Yes! We can’t go wrong from seeking Him more.
      Thanks for your encouraging comment, Jessica! :)
