Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Glory to God

We serve an amazing God.

I mean think about it... God, He is the One True King, He rules forever.

He split the Red Sea so His people could walk through it (Exodus 14:15-31), He rose a dead man to life (John 11:39-44), He gave the blind man sight (John 9:1-6)... and He did, does, and will do much more than I can even begin to name.

I think a lot of the time we focus on "growing in Christ"... but do we truly spend time getting to know the One in Whom we want to grow? God is so amazing and beyond description... how often do we praise Him? How often do we worship Him?

A lot of the time we don't think about what worship really is... worship isn't just singing; it is anything you do that glorifies God.

Worship can be in the form of writing, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, serving, and really anything that you do that glorifies God. Worship is simply bringing glory to God's name.

I love Psalm 104, the writer gives a very detailed image in mind of God's glory and giving glory to Him.

Psalm 104:1-4,
"My soul, praise Yahweh!
Lord my God, You are very great;
You are clothed with majesty and splendor.
 He wraps Himself in light as if it were a robe,
spreading out the sky like a canopy,
laying the beams of His palace
on the waters above,
making the clouds His chariot,
walking on the wings of the wind,
and making the winds His messengers,
flames of fire His servants."

God is worthy of our praise, so let's worship Him and praise His name.

It's time to turn our focus off of ourselves and onto Him. I think we focus on ourselves a lot (which is very easy to do, I am guilty of doing it) and we don't focus on God. We focus on "growing" in Him, or making sure we get done our goal of spending time in His Word everyday, or praying for at least five minutes a day... but when we do we often then we don't focus on Who we do it for.
I'm definitely not saying it's wrong to have a goal or trying to grow in Him... we should spend time in His Word, pray, and grow in Him... but when we focus too much on it we forget Who we do it for.

Instead of focusing on spending time in His Word let's think about what/who His Word is about. I mean God's Word, the Bible, is His words to us. We should cherish them, not rush by to get it done.
Instead of focusing on praying for a long time let's think about Who we are praying to. Praying is simply talking to God, why do we make it such a chore? We should simply pour out our heart to God (more on that in another blog post soon).
And instead of focusing on "growing" in Him let's think about Who we are trying to grow in. I mean God is so amazing... how can we not want to get to know Him?

Let's turn our attention off of ourselves, our Christian "goals", and let's focus on Who life revolves around.

Let's worship God.


How often do we truly worship God? How much time do we spend dwelling on the greatness of God? Do we spend more time thinking about growing in God or about God Himself?


  1. Wow, I was just thinking about this this morning! I spend time learning about God, but how much time do I give to knowing Him? Growing in God is important, but it should never eclipse our personal relationship with Him. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I just found your blog, and have been blessed by reading. Your spiritual focus is encouraging! Keep it up, and God's blessings to you! :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, we often spend so much time on growing in God we forget to actually get to know Him.
      Keep shining His light :)
