Tuesday, December 11, 2018

In Between

David. What pops into your mind when you think of him? Often we think of him as the shepherd boy who went up against Goliath, or the king of Judah who was called a man after God's own heart, or the writer who wrote around half the book of Psalms. But in this post I want to talk about two other times in his life.

Put yourself in David's shoes. You're out in the fields with the sheep, watching them for your father, probably playing the lyre. You most likely heard about Samuel coming, about your family being invited to the sacrifice. But you remain in the fields, tending the sheep.Then someone your father sent runs up, summoning you. You go to your father and see the judge, Samuel. You've heard stories about him. He anoints you with oil and you feel the presence of the Spirit of the Lord in you. Samuel anoints you to be the future king of Judah.

Samuel leaves and you go back to the fields, back to tending the sheep. What now? Nothing really changes for you, at least for now, except for God's Spirit in you, You find yourself waiting, but you put that time to use. You tend the sheep, write Psalms, and play the lyre.

Fast forward several years. You've fought against Goliath, played the lyre in King Saul's presence, become a great warrior, but now Saul is trying to kill you. You are on the run for your life. This lasts for not days, not months, but years. You've probably asked yourself, or God, many times: Why is this happening? You were anointed to become king one day, but it doesn't seem like that's happening any time soon. Yet, deep in your heart, you know that what God has predestined, will take place in His timing.

Two times in David's life when he was in a "in between season". I think we all feel like we've had those times, when we've finished the last chapter and waiting to move onto the next. But its not just an "in between season", it's a time of waiting - and preparing.

Those seasons where we feel like the next season will never come, when we are tired of waiting... those times are so important! Those seasons are not to be wasted. Those are seasons of preparation for the next season. But we can still glorify God no matter what season of life we're in. We can serve and praise Him right where we are.

What God has predestined, will occur according to His plan and timing. Waiting for what lies next in your life may seem endless... but maybe that's not what God has planned for you anyways. Often we like to get ahead of God and start making out our life plans. I'll go to this college, I'll major in this, I'll get this job, I'll get married at this age, I'll have kids at this age... But life rarely goes as planned. I'm not saying it's wrong to think about your future, on the contrary, I like thinking about what my future holds sometimes too! But we still need to trust Him with what happens, and trust in His perfect timing.


Let's talk....

What has God been teaching you recently? What season of life do you find yourself in?


  1. Loved reading this, Sarah! There are so many things we can learn from David's life! Thank you for sharing this post!! I have been contemplating seasons in life lately. And I do feel like I am in a "In between season." I think that God uses these waiting seasons to strengthen our trust in Him.
    Again, thanks so much for this thought-provoking post! <3

    1. Yes, there are many lessons we can learn from his life.
      Very true, He can use all of these seasons to strengthen our trust in Him.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Brooklyne!

  2. I think I'm in a growing season. I mean, I'm always growing, but I feel like I'm really getting the foundations and daily details figured out with God. :) Thanks for the post! Love "trust in His perfect timing."

    1. Well I’m glad you’re growing in your relationship with God!
      Thanks for commenting, Mallory! :)
