Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Word became flesh....

I'm a few days late this week, but that's okay. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to write yet... but I do want to talk about a certain passage of scripture that's been on my mind recently. It's actually one of my favorite passages in scripture now.

Before I dive into this post I highly recommend reading John 1:1-18 (you can click here to read it) because that's the passage I'm going to be digging into today.

It's Christmas time. In just a few short days it'll be Christmas morning. Christmas music is playing, people are watching Christmas movies, eating yummy food, and Christmas decorations are everywhere. It's a wonderful time of the year... but it's easy to lose sight of what Christmas is truly about in the hustle and bustle of things. So let's turn to this passage right now in John and look to Jesus.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created." (John 1:1-3)

These verses state these truths:

  • In the beginning Jesus was.
  • In the beginning Jesus was with God
  • In the beginning He was God. 
  • Jesus is eternal... He has always existed. 
  • All things were created through Him. 

The next verses in the passage talk about how in Jesus is life, and that life is light. The darkness cannot overcome that light. Jesus is the true light.

Verse 9 says, "The True Light that gives light to everyone, was coming into the world."

Wow. So first we learn that Jesus is God and He is eternal and that all things were created through Him. We learn that in Him is life and He is light. Now we hear that He's coming into the world.

Verses 10-11 say, "He was in the world, and the world was created through Him, and yet the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own and His own people did not receive Him."

Wait... so now we learn that Jesus - God - came to earth and we didn't recognize or receive Him?

Verse 12-13 says, "But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of natural descent, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God."

Many didn't receive Him. But to those who did - do - receive Him, He gives the right to be children of God.

Verse 14 says, "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

Jesus stepped down from heaven, took on flesh, and dwelt among us. He came to suffer and die for our sins. He came to bring life, for He is Light.

Verse 16 says, "Indeed, we have all received grace upon grace from His fullness."

We've been given grace.

Christmas is to celebrate Jesus' birth. But we shouldn't forget why He came. He came to save us. We were lost like sheep without a shepherd, He came to guide us. So let's remember Jesus and what He's done for us. Let's give Him glory for what He's done and is doing.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Oh Jesus is so amazing. Still blows me mind how much He loves us! Thanks for a great post! :)

    1. Yes, He is so amazing!! It’s so wonderful to think about how much He loves us - it’s mind boggling. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mallory! :)

  2. Lovely post! And thank you for sharing this reminder!
    -Brooklyne :)
