Tuesday, May 15, 2018

No Longer Slaves to Fear

(this picture is a little blurry but the view of the sky was beautiful that night)

Fear. There are different types of fear... the rightful fear we should have of God and fear that comes from the Enemy. Today I'm going to talk about the latter.

Fear is something we have all struggled with one time or another.... yet it's not something we like to admit. Maybe we don't because it'll make us look like little kids, or not brave. That doesn't have anything to do with it. Satan likes to attack us using fear because fear can paralyze us. Satan lies to us to make us so terrified of something that we won't do it. There are the "normal" fears you might think of like snakes, spiders, heights, ect..... but there's also fear of the unknown, something bad happening to you or your family, forced to do something really out of your comfort zone, and the list goes on. Fear sometimes comes in the dark of night when you're lying in bed, paralyzing you, lying to you, almost taunting you till you get to the point where you just want to scream for it to be morning already.

A few weeks ago I went through a time where I struggled with fear. Occasionally it attacked me during the day but mostly at night. I would lie in bed when it came, poisoning my thoughts and trying to take over. It would paralyze me and, like I described above, it got to the point where I just wanted to scream for fear to be quiet. This went on for a while. I tried thinking about other things at night, tried to pray, but it didn't always work. One night I had had enough so I went into one of my sister's room and she told me something that didn't feel so great at the time but was something that helped me in the long run. She said that Satan was trying to get into my head, using fear to control me. Now, when you are scared at night and go to someone for comfort that's not usually the first thing you want to hear. But it was true.
A Bible verse I memorized as a kid came to mind sometimes when I was afraid. When I was little I would repeat it to myself when scared. It's Psalm 56:3, a very easy verse to memorize. It says, "When I am afraid, I will trust in You."
Soon after that night we had a guest speaker at our church and a Bible verse he read really stuck out to me. Romans 8:15, "For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father!""
Wow. We weren't freed from fear just to fall back into it. If you are in Christ you have received the Spirit of adoption, you are God's child!

Later that afternoon I wrote this poem based on that scripture....

"I stand right here,
there's no room for fear.
I stand right now in Your presence.
Your love pierces through, love so relentless.
I didn't receive a spirit of slavery to fall back to fear,
but You've adopted me into Your family and You're always near.
I cry out to You, Abba, Father!
My prayers to You are never a bother.
You are right there, with arms wide open.
Your love heals me, for I am broken.
Fear has no hold on me,
love broke through and has set me free.
You are stronger than the Enemy.
You have the ultimate victory!"

After that day fear started to have less and less of a hold on me. It still comes back sometimes, but I try to remember Romans 8:15 and remember that God's with me and I just need to trust Him. I don't want to let fear ever control me again.

I don't know where you are right now, I don't know if you've been struggling with fear or not. But if you are I want to encourage you and say that God's with you always. It's hard, but it'll get better. Try to trust in Him and lean on His promises. That's a hard thing to do when battling fear but whenever you can, surrender to Jesus and trust Him. And if you aren't struggling with fear then enjoy the freedom you're living in and live for Jesus.

I hope that no matter where you are concerning fear that this post has encouraged you and I wanted to share this song with you. It's called No Longer Slaves by Bethel Music and is a beautiful song about how we're no longer slaves to fear, but children of God.

So what about you? Have you been going through fear recently? Or maybe you went through it in the past and overcame it? If you have overcome fear before how'd you do it? What scripture verses about fear encourage you?

1 John 4:18, "There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear."

Psalm 27:1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom should I be afraid?"


  1. Thank you for posting this!
    I think everyone goes through fear at some point in their lives. For me, right now I have fear of the unknown. The unknown of what I'm going to do after high school. It's hard to trust God completely when things are so unclear. But I'm trying to give it to Him. My worries and fears. I really liked the last two Bible verses you put with this post!

    1. Fear of the unknown is common, I think, but very real. We all wonder what's going to happen in the future and it's scary. But yes, we need to trust God in those times and give it to Him - no matter how hard that may be.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Brooklyne!

  2. This is so beautiful, I struggle with fear a lot, I need to remember that God is in control. Thank you for this lovely post. <33

    1. God is in control... that's a fact we tend to forget quite often... but He does remain in control. He's bigger than our fears and is more powerful than anything or anyone else.
      Thanks, Gray. :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this, Sarah! I can definitely relate to feeling like fears- which are often irrational- have an unhealthy hold sometimes, but there are so many promises from God that tell us we can have victory through Him! Thanks for reminding us with this post. (Also, a song that comes to mind reading this is Fear Is A Liar by Zach Williams). xx

    1. Yes, fears can have unhealthy holds on us - and a lot of the time they are irrational - but yes, God has given us promises of victory through Him. And He's already won the ultimate victory!
      I like that song... actually I was thinking of that song too when writing this post, but I'd already wanted to share the song No Longer Slaves ;).
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Emily!

  4. My biggest fears in day-to-day life are of rejection, criticism and judgement from people. What I need to remember is this (from later in the same chapter the pastor of that sermon quoted):

    "What then shall we say in response to these things? If God if for us, who can be against us?"

    1. Romans 8:31, it's a great scripture to remember. God can help us overcome our fears, and walks with us through them (Psalm 23:4).
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jordy! :)

  5. Hey, I was just thinking... You have all the awesome post I think you should put them all in a devotion book! Just an idea! Great post!

    1. Thanks Beth! You’re so sweet. To be honest I have considered writing a devotional before but haven’t stuck through with it. But if I ever do write and complete one I’ll be sure to let you know! ;)

  6. This was encouraging! :) Nice post, Sarah! :)

    1. Thank you, Mallory! Keep shining His light! :)
